Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Day One is Already Night

I've started this blog for a number of reasons, and the first post is as good as anywhere to put them. My name is Fiona, and I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I intend to keep this as a journal of my life with the condition. Not only to record the startling array of symptoms that appear with no warning but also my reactions, and those of the people around me. I've found since the day I started to experience symptoms that people don't always react the way you would expect and I find myself surprised every day.
My intent is also to give a voice, or rather another voice, to Fibromyalgia. Too often we are ignored, and silenced or just misunderstood. This was the only thing I could think of. Please read, and comment.

Today was one of my bad days. I worked from home, and as always these days I found myself worried about what my bosses were thinking about my absences from the office. It didn't help that today was day two of working from home. I wonder if they realize what having Fibro is really like. For those of you playing at home, Fibro is a nerve disorder. Imagine being in pain whenever something contacts your skin, or even being in pain with no outside stimulus. In addition, we have muscle weakness, and reduced stamina. For example, yesterday I couldn't sit up without pain, and this morning my legs felt as though I had run a 5K without stretching. Usually I use my walker to get around work on days like today, but my arms were too weak to hold me up- so back to bed I went.
Things did not go as planned, and I found it hard to concentrate on work. There was the pain of course, but sometimes I feel like there is something between me and everything I try to do. Its like there is a little hill sitting in front of every task, and I just have to get over it to begin. If I make it over, I'm already tired before I even start. So much for being productive.
Its late, and I have to go to work tomorrow or they will fire me for sure. I'm having trouble sleeping despite the fact that they upped my medication. More on that later. Good night!

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